Friday, May 25, 2012

P52/Week 21: "Dream" - The Long Walk Home

I've committed myself to participating in a photography project called Project 52, where each week there's a challenge to take a photo with a particular theme and enter it on the group Flickr site.

This week's theme for the P52 challenge is "Dream."

The most prevalent dreams in my life, even those that I remember since childhood, especially those really, have all taken place after dusk. So much so that sometimes when I'm out at that time of day for real, I often feel as though I'm in a dream.

A common theme in those dreams is that I have to find my way home at that time. There's always little distance visibility, street lights are aglow, the sky has that magical shade of blue and I'm alone. Sounds unpleasant or scary, but isn't always. Sometimes it just feels like a special time.

That's what I was trying to capture here.

P52/Week 21: "Dream"

It's the first time I've intentionally tried to photograph during the "blue hour" in an effort to capture that blue light. Feels like a dream.

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