Sunday, May 13, 2012

Simple Things Sunday

I've been looking at a lot of street photography lately. I watched a Kelby video, which was a day of following photographer Jay Maisel. This mixed a bit with the work of Elliot Erwitt hasn't necessarily changed what I'm photographing dramatically, I do think it's had a touch of influence. I couldn't help but see something in these in at least capturing the gesture:

Maybe it's just the black and white and I'm reading into it in my hopefulness.

But, regardless, I do love these candid shots.

Linking up with Simple Things Sunday:


  1. Really nice! I love the second one, and the reflection of the pages in his eyes. Happy Mother's Day to you!

  2. Really like the composition of these- beautifully done.


Thanks for visiting my blog. I'd love to hear your comments on my photography. I see this as a learning tool, so constructive criticism is welcome.