Monday, January 21, 2013

A Visit with Baby Mila

I made another visit to the hospital to see my new great niece, Mila yesterday. Now that she's out of the incubator she gets to be held a lot more, so I wanted to make sure the new parents had lots of not-from-a-cell-phone photos of this amazing time.

This one had to be the catch of the day:

Family smiling BW WMI

I'm so happy to have gotten it. I can't imagine a more perfect first family portrait. It makes me so happy, except that it makes me sad that I don't have a similar photo of my family. But, I think I'll just choose to be happy for them and link it up for my Sweet Shot this week.

P52 Sweet Shot Tuesday with Kent Weakley

You didn't think you were going to get away with looking at only one photo when a baby's involved, though? Did you?
Needless to say, I got lots more.

family kiss BW WM

family tight WM

I got some one-on-one's with mom and dad, too.

Jen holding Mila WM

Jen holding Mila portrait BW WM

Dad got busy taking care of her needs:

Jason over Mila smile WM

Then I captured this sequence while he wrapped her back into her blanket.

Jason blanketing sequence WM

While I was there, Grandma and Grandpa showed up and then Aunt Kacie and Uncle Ryan. We had to take turns seeing her since there are only 4 guests allowed in her little area.

Grandpa and Mila WM

Grandma and Mila WM

Kacie with Mila WMRyan and Mila WM

Kacie and Ryan hiccups WM
Mila had the hiccups, which got a big reaction from these two. Cute and cuter.

Ok, I have more, but I'll leave it at that lest I tire your scrolling muscles. Maybe I'll post a few Mila portraits tomorrow.


  1. That is one happy little family! If these pictures are anything to go by little Mila is well loved :-)I am sure they will treasure these.

    1. Thank you, Marty! She was welcomed into not only a loving family, but a LARGE one. LOL

  2. That first one by the way is just fabulous!

  3. Aww, what a sweet family. Lovely shots :)

  4. Awww! I love the intent way you captured everyone looking at her and not the camera. These are great!

  5. What great pictures for such a happy reason!


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