Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Some New Kit

I seriously don't know how I rated, but, I was just granted a biggest-of-wishes birthday present from my dear, sweet, loving, considerate, amazing husband. (Hi, Jt <3 ).
We've agreed that it's actually a birthday/Christmas/Mother's Day and probably even Columbus Day gift all in one. It's a big girl camera and I'm so flippin' excited.

Having your camera and/or lens in and out of the repair shop for months on end is a real buzz kill, I can say for sure. So, along with a whole heck of a lot of motivation to shoot lots more with my new Nikon, I also have a renewed desire to post more for-no-good-reason photos on this blog. So, here goes.
Here's one I captured while said sweet husband was working hard on figuring out how to turn .NEF files in .DNG files for me.  The tones.... the tones.  I'm just in awe.

This was one of my first shots. Sweet Nico agreed to head outside in 30 degree weather to allow me to get at least one photo with the dwindling autumn color which I completely missed out on without a camera. Sometimes one is all you need.... I can't believe the tones and crispness. Swooning over here.

....And then came Enzo's birthday, and 250 shutter clicks later, I have few to offer.  This was in the not very well lit living room, but, I still looooovvvveeeee them.

Our birthday gift to him was a Lego Pirates of the Caribbean ship and he was happy to have the company while he worked so diligently on building it.  If nothing else, I've created kids who are completely comfortable in front of the camera.

He whistles while he works
Nico came to inspect his work when he was done.

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