Monday, December 10, 2012

P52 Catch Up

Ok, I didn't come this far into my Project 52 to let it all go to pot. So here are my catch up posts, including a tremendously early one for this week, on each week's theme:

Week 46 was all about "Out and About." I took this photo while the boys were involved in a "class" about creek health, where they'll take samples of the water and do various chemical tests each month to provide an accurate and on-going picture of this creek's water health to a PA university.

P52/Week 46: "Out and About" 

This photo looks a bit different than those I took in the summer of the boys at the stream, but it is December after all. He couldn't resist the urge to at least feel the water, if he couldn't de-shoe and wade in.

The next theme in our way-back machine is "Thankful" for Week 47.  I don't find it cliche to say that family tops my thankful list every time. 

P52/Week 47: "Thankful"

I'm thankful that I've got so much of it, that when we get together, we can't fit in one room, nor one table and not even one frame (sorry Jt and Nico). I'm also thankful that regardless of the mistakes I make, they still allow me to be official photographer.

On to "Tradition" (Sung in the most Fiddler on the Roof voice I can muster) for Week 48.

This one speaks for itself, I 'spose, with the hidden tradition of me being disappointed in the photos I take for the tree-decorating event. Ah, what would year end be without a burgeoning set of resolutions.

(I do like this photo, but it and the one of the dog are the only ones I care for of the many I took.)

And... last, but not last, Week 49 brings me to "Indoors" which puts to use these photos I grabbed of the boys one night last week. Just doin' what they do.

P52/Week 49: "Indoors"

Only 3 weeks left! Wowza. I think I might pull it off.

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