Sunday, November 11, 2012


Just when I thought I wasn't going to get Halloween costume poses in for the year because of my camera problems, the perfect storm of Hurricane Sandy, which delayed Halloween, a new camera for my birthday (!! :-) !!) and absolutely unseasonable gorgeous weather came to fruition in one weekend.

Oh, and I just happened across a Facebook page, called Abandoned & Interesting Places in Western PA, which featured a log cabin in a neighborhood not-so-far away, which, I knew would make a perfect backdrop for my little frontiersman.

Et voila!

Boy knows how to pose
Boy knows how to shoot??  This from a boy who wasn't allow to play with even Playmobil guns until he was 8!
He's made up for lost time, I'd say.
That golden sun!

 For Enzo, my little don't-call-me-cowboy-I'm-a-Bounty-Hunter, we went to the park to use the wooden fence, but when we got to the log cabin site, I spotted some tall grasses and paired with the setting sun, knew it would be perfect. So we took more.

Fully in character

Loved the opportunity to shoot his cap gun.

This one's for Mama
See what I mean about the grass and golden setting sun?

 Then.... when we were done, I had promised I'd take the boys to Target to pick up a toy they'd been saving for and I saw the beautiful sunset,.. well, let's just say, those boys earned their trip to the store.

I can't stop looking at this one. I think it's my favorite photo I've ever taken.

Love. It.

1 comment:

  1. I love these pics! The log cabin was a perfect setting! Halloween is such a fun time.


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