Saturday, September 1, 2012

Favorite from August - I Clicked It Up A Notch

I don't think I have any reason to publicly lament the end of August. I know there's a general and popular consensus that it came too fast. So, I'll just look back on it lovingly as we dive head first into September and all of it's apple-producing, cooling-relief, sharpened-pencil goodness.

So, here's my loving look:

Nico wanted me to take photos of him in this costume. He's writing a novel that takes place during the French and Indian war and wanted to act out and get a feel for his characters. I love his method, especially when I get to play, too.

When we looked over the shots, we found that we had different favorites. He liked the poses where he hid behind the woodpile and loaded his musket the most.  He doesn't like this one because his very modern shorts are too prominent. I reminded him that our motives are different. While he wants authentic character portrayal, I want to show how magical it is to see a boy's imagination take form and flight.

Sharing at Click It Up a Notch as my August favorite..

Click It Up A Notch


  1. This is beautiful! I love how well lit his face it thus capturing his eyes beautifully!

    1. Thank you, Noreen. I think that's what I love, too.

  2. I love this shot! My son loves to still "dress up", even though he's almost 19! I love the imagination!

    1. Thank you, Angie. I don't see any signs of his dress up days abating here either. He's 13. So it's good to hear that it doesn't necessarily have to end.

  3. So sweet! I love when "big" boys don't loose their imagination in an electronic media world and still remember how to play! You captured his intensity as he watches the horizon for the enemy.

    1. Thank you, Mimi. He's going to love your comment, too. :-)

  4. Great shot! I love his stoic expression!! :) His eyes pop so beautifully!

  5. WOW- what incredible eyes he has!!! This came out really cool.


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