Wednesday, August 1, 2012

July Favorite Photo - Watermelon and Wagon Wheel

Choosing a favorite photo each month has been a good exercise. Usually, by the end of the month, I've already posted what I consider to be my best photos or at least those that struck me the most. I'm reluctant to show a photo twice, lest I bore even myself. (Not that I haven't done it.)

Some months I remember to save a good one for last, but, well, you know how remembering goes.  So, here I sit, sifting through the month's photos looking for something that I may have overlooked.  Having a rotten memory has it's benefits though, because when I do find something that I "remembered less," it's like finding a hidden gem.


My boy enjoying his all time favorite food in the warmth of the evening light. <3

Linking up with Clickin' It Up a Notch

Click It Up A Notch


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