Monday, April 16, 2012

Photo Feedback - The Banjo Picker's Ball

It's been a few weeks since I've put myself out there for feedback. Only because of time limits, not a lack of interest, so I'm happy to be back in the fray and look forward to hearing what I need to hear.

This photo is from a gathering of banjo players, that we went to on Palm Sunday. It was in a basement, so was dark and cramped, but it was oh so fun. I got lots of dud photos from the shoot, but most of the good ones were of my Enzo, who must have been in a decent light and far enough away to allow some variety in my shots.

I liked the way the other players on the left and the wood pillar on the right framed him and was one of the few without shadows on his face.  Candid shots are really where I could use some advice. When I prop my boys up for photo shoots, I feel like I can get a few decent shots. But, candids present so many lighting, framing and other challenges. I'd love any advice in addition to feedback on this particular photo.

Thank you in advance.

Mom Tried It

So, what do you think?


  1. Gorgeous! I feel quite the opposite..I can't pose a shot to save my life, but candids are where I rock. I might have tried to get a little lower, but otherwise, fabulous shot!!

  2. Oh what a lovely shot! Thanks for joining in Photo Feedback again. :)
    I love the depth of field you chose with this. I also like how your son is framed with other players and the boards. My suggestion would be to crop a little. Not too much, but just enough to take a little bit of the right side board off and some of the closest banjo player.
    Very nice light. Just out of curiosity, I would like to see this in black and white. I think it would add some extra character and really show some emotion (but totally a preference and just curiosity, too).

    1. Thank you, Kim. It's funny, I put some of the photos from this same day in BW, but not this one for some reason. Now that you say it, I'll give it a try.

  3. I agree with Kim, the brown door/ wall on the side could be cropped by a half. Other than that, it's a terrific shot, really nice angle and DOP!

    1. Thank you, Ansku. I'm going to try the crop and see how that improves it.

  4. When you look back at this photo, you'll definitely have a wonderful memory. I agree with the cropping comments. I wonder if lightening the shadows would improve or distract? I like the depth of field, it really draws your eye to him and his expression. What a fun memory!

    1. Thanks, MixedMolly. Most of my best memories involve banjos. :-)
      I'll try your crop and lighting suggestions and see how it looks.

  5. This is a great shot! It really draws one in. I love the framing but the crop might make it just a bit stronger. I do sort of wish I could see all of his hand, but from your vantage point that may not have been possible. It's fantastic though. Well done!

    1. Ok! Cropping it is.. LOL I love this feedback, especially when everybody else sees something I totally missed.
      Thank you so much for taking the time.


Thanks for visiting my blog. I'd love to hear your comments on my photography. I see this as a learning tool, so constructive criticism is welcome.