Not much weeding to do though, since, just today, Nico volunteered to pose for me a few hours before sunset and we went out to have a session. I didn't get a lot of shots before another duty called, but, in those few moments of looking through the lens and seeing him standing so tall in his hoodie I realized what a young man he's becoming.
He's no little boy anymore. Sure, I've known for a while that he's threatening to pass me up in height any day now (not saying much). I know when he hugs me and tells me I'm 'the best mommy ever' but then runs off to make his own iced tea or read Bleak House, that my days of hearing such notions are numbered. And even though he still asks for permission to check out the Lego web-site, the day he can out manage me on the intricacies of file-downloading and network-maneuvering is imminent.
None of this is news, but, when I looked through that lens today, I was able to stop and see the lean, tall young man with the gentle smile and thoughtful eyes, and I almost couldn't imagine that he was the same little bubbie with the chubby cheeks and all the questions. Oh my, how he's grown.
That's why I love photography and that's why this is my February favorite:
I also posted this photo for critique with Mom Tried It's Blog Hop. Have mercy... LOL